Saturday, August 21, 2010

Wacky Story #1: Betty Redbreast Meets D Mouse

Betty Redbreast Meets D Mouse


I was ________________ (verb ending in “-ing”) for ________________ (noun) in the park when I ____________ (past-tense verb) under a large _______________ (adjective) _____________ (noun).

As I was _______________ (verb ending in "-ing") along, a drop of ________________ (type of liquid) shook loose from the ____________ (noun) above my _____________ (body part).

It ______________ (past-tense verb) to the ground with a ______________ (adjective) splash. It only met ___________ (a number) obstacle(s) along the way – my _______________ (body part).

I had just gotten the ____________ (adjective) force of that ____________ (type of liquid) droplet right in my ____________ (adjective) eyes, so I was blinking _______________ (adverb).

I couldn’t see very well, but I could see something out of the corner of my eye. It was _______________ (adjective). It was ______________ (adjective). And it was ___________________ (verb ending in "-ing") on the ground.

I was now tremendously ______________ (adjective) and ______________ (adjective), so I wasted no time in ________________ (verb ending in "-ing") on that unsuspecting _____________ (an animal).

But it turned out to be the _______________ (noun) of a rather small field mouse.

- Available as a PDF download HERE.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Wacky Story #1

Wacky Story #1, "Betty Redbreast Meets D Mouse," is now available for download. Look for the link under the "Fun Activities" page!

Fun Activities Page - CLICK HERE

Download Wacky Story #1 - PDF (CLICK HERE) or ONLINE in html (CLICK HERE)

Available at Borders

Adventures of D Mouse is now available for purchase at Borders bookstore in Springfield, MO. Borders is located in Primrose Marketplace shopping center off of Glenstone Avenue, just south of Battlefield Road. Look for the book in the "Local interest" section, or ask a customer service representative for help....

If you know anyone living in or visiting the Springfield, MO area that might be interested, please pass on the news! Thanks!

CLICK HERE to visit the store's website.

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